Discover! The reason why God calls musicians

The Ultimate Purpose of Musicians

By Olugbile Doyin

Briefly, I will be teaching us about God’s love.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

It is very important and compulsory for every musician to have a revelation of God’s love. Because God is the one who called you. Jesus is the author and the finisher of your faith. He called you for a purpose. You’re not just called to sing or play musical instrument. The sole purpose of your calling is to bring souls to Christ. To heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, comfort the brokenhearted, help the poor etc. You must learn to see yourself as a minister. There was a day Apostle Siji was addressing the choir in Gashem. He told us to see what we are doing as a medium through which God can bless His people. See it as a medium through which the anointing can flow to the people. As musicians, you must care about the people. It is because God loves the people that He called you into the music ministry. It is because of God’s love that you were chosen to represent His purposes through music. God has a system of doing things.
He calls certain people from different tribes and trains them to be fit to represent Him. Then, He sends them out to demonstrate his love to the people. You must see your songs as a medium through which God can heal, bless people’s business, give people a new mind, wisdom and encounters. Everything you’re supposed to do in the music ministry is to achieve one major purpose, which is to bring men closer to God. It is because of God’s love for the people that Jesus died. It is because of God’s love that Elijah was sent to the Israelites. It is because of God’s love that mere men became Apostles who delivered many who were oppressed, set many captives free, healed the sick and saved the lost. It is because of God’s love for the people that David was given the worship anointing. That was why he could play and the distressing spirit would depart from King Saul. It was because of God’s love for the people that the Egyptians suffered from plagues. God cares about the people. He cares about the small, the great, the rich and the poor. He cares about everybody. That’s why he chooses few people who have the capacity to labour and bring men to Him. Not everybody is a labourer. I’ll advise you to be one. God has called you. It is true that many are called but few are chosen. Apostle Siji taught us by the Spirit how you can be called and not be chosen. Many of us are at the “called phase”. Let us therefore lay aside every weight and sin that easily besets us so that we can be chosen to represent Him. Your first assignment is to the people. You must love them genuinely. Love everyone just as Christ loved them. Love your neighbour as you love yourself.

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